Welcome to the community consultation website seeking comments on the detailed proposals for the approved development at Land East of St Margarets Drive in Alderton.
Freeman Homes will provide a total of 48 (47 net) new homes, including 19 affordable homes, public open space and the creation of new/improved habitat for wildlife.
This follows the grant of Outline Planning Permission by appeal in 2023. Freeman Homes have since purchased the site and are seeking to deliver the approved development under what is known as a ‘Reserved Matters planning application’ that sets out the detailed design. We are engaging with the community to seek input on this design to feedback to the Local Planning Authority (Tewkesbury Borough Council) as part of delivering a high-quality development.
About Freeman Homes
Freeman Homes are a family housebuilder based in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire.
Founded in 1999, we seek to deliver high quality and environmentally responsible homes that integrate with local communities and the surrounding environment. We were awarded Best Small Housebuilder of the year 2023 and have a 5* Customer Service Rating from the Home Builders Federation.
All our homes are A-rated energy standard, incorporating thermally efficient building materials, air source heat pumps and solar panels. In comparison less than 5% of new builds reached this standard in 2023.
Our closest completed schemes are Clifton Meadows at St Weonards and Cherry Hill in Fownhope as shown in the images here. Alongside our completed scheme at Newnham-on-Severn.
“Design, innovation, and customer care sit harmoniously alongside Freeman’s sustainability agenda to deliver award-winning homes, embraced by the local communities they serve.”
What House? Best Small Housebuilder 2023 Awards Citation

The Site and the Outline Planning Permission
The site lies to the east of St Margarets Drive and south of St Margarets Road, consisting of a single agricultural field and the driveway access to Lower Farm.
Rainier Developments Ltd secured outline planning permission on 26th June 2023 by appeal (appeal reference APP/G1630/W/22/3310117) following refusal by Tewkesbury Borough Council (Council reference 22/00624/OUT). Freeman Homes acquired the site earlier in 2024 and will be submitting a ‘Reserved Matters’ application for the detailed design.
The Outline Planning Permission establishes the principle of development for 48 (47 net) homes. Details of the access were approved at outline stage and can be accessed via the box below. This arrangement requires the demolition of a single house (No. 16 St Maragret’s Drive) to access the development*. The remaining details were ‘reserved’ for future determination.
A copy of the indicative layout is shown above setting out how development may come forward and the approved access is shown in the link below. The Outline Planning Permission established the broad location and form of development can be accessed via the box below.
* The approved development is for 48no. homes in total with 47no. homes to be provided including the demolition of No. 16 St Margaret’s Drive.
The Proposed Development
The drafted development builds upon the indicative arrangement at outline stage. Core features of the development are summarised below:
An expanse of public open space, including a play area, habitat enhancement, walking routes and surface water drainage storage around the eastern and southern areas of the parcel.
A less formal layout formed by maximising the use of private drives onto the public open space.
Pedestrian connection to the public right of way network in the field to the east.
Pedestrian connection from St Margarets Road/Blacksmith’s Road providing connectivity into the village centre and primary school.
Maximising rear gardens onto existing homes to ensure privacy.
Variety of homes from 1-bedroom to 5-bedrooms, including a bungalow suitable for a wheelchair user, to ensure a mixed and balanced community.
19 affordable homes (11 social rent and 8 shared ownership).
All homes to meet Nationally Described Space Standards.
Materials and design detailing treatments to reference the local character of Alderton.

Sustainability and the Environment
Freeman Homes pride themselves on building high quality energy efficient homes that integrate with their local communities and environment. The following will be provided to meet these aims:
All homes to meet top A-rated Energy Performance Certificate standard.
Inclusion of air source heat pumps and solar panels.
Cycle parking for each home.
Homes to have Electric Vehicle Charging Points.
Site Waste Management Plan to minimise construction waste and maximise recycling during construction and on occupation.
Residents Community Welcome Pack to encourage integration and encourage use of alternative to private cars.
Maintenance of the public open space by a private management company to ensure its long-term future.
Biodiversity Net Gain of 10% to be secured through habitat creation and on-going management both on-site and in the adjacent field.
Construction Ecological Management Plan to protect existing habitat features and minimise impacts during works.
Landscape and Ecological Mitigation Plan to detail mitigation proposals and ongoing maintenance plan including:
Bat boxes.
Bird boxes and nest bricks.
Hibernacula, log piles and insect hotels for reptiles and invertebrates.
No street lighting.
Enhanced grassland through management and seeding.
Creation of mixed scrubland habitat along the stream corridor for birds and reptiles.
Enhancement and creation of new hedgerows, trees and shrubs through planting of native species and management.
Planting of native aquatic species and boundary species rich wildflower grassland integrated with sustainable drainage systems.
Timetable and Construction
Reserved Matters application submission intended by summer 2024.
Outline planning conditions to be resolved alongside, including a Construction Management Plan to manage delivery routes, construction times, etc.
Seek Reserved Matters approval within 2024 followed by site start.
Completion expected by 2026.
In preparing for this consultation we have liaised with the Parish Council, who have identified that the impacts of construction works are a key matter for local residents. The following provide more detail on how this will be managed.
We expect an 18-month programme for delivering the development. The latter approximately 6 months of this will be focused on fit-out of homes with reduced impacts to neighbours.
Archaeological works are due to commence imminently and spoil from this will be located away from existing residents. Initial site access will be gained from Blacksmiths Road for these and other initial site preparation works to establish a construction compound. Once established No.16 St Margarets Drive will then be demolished and provide the construction access for the development thereafter, allowing construction traffic to avoid travelling through the centre of Alderton. We are aware of the weight restrictions in the area and are agreeing wider construction traffic routing with the County Council.
While construction is inherently disruptive, this will be managed through the following measures to minimise these impacts as much as possible:
- Construction will be managed in-house by Freeman Homes meaning that we can better control construction teams on the ground and respond to any concerns raised.
A Construction Management Plan will be agreed with Tewkesbury Borough Council and Gloucester County Council addressing the following:
Details of site compound, including locations for loading/unloading and storage of plant, waste and construction materials.
Parking of staff and construction vehicles.
Site access arrangements and routes for construction traffic, including avoiding school travel times.
Wheel washing station to prevent mud entering the highway.
Management of turning and reversing vehicles to minimise noise from reversing alarms.
Arrangements to receive abnormal loads or unusually large vehicles.
Highway Condition Survey to ensure that this is returned to pre-construction standard as required under the Highways Act.
Working hours between 8am-6pm weekdays, 8am-1pm Saturdays and not at all on Sundays and bank holidays.
This plan will be shared with neighbouring residents and the Parish Council before works begin with a direct contact for the site manager should any issues arise.

Scheme Benefits
The scheme will generate the following benefits.
Provide a net gain in biodiversity a minimum 10% (as defined by the Natural England Biodiversity Metric Tool).
Delivery of 48 (47 net) new homes to meet housing need across Tewkesbury Borough Council.
Provision of 19no. affordable homes to help those unable to access the housing market.
Provision of an area of public open space and play area available to the entire community.
Provision of circa 50 jobs during construction and circa 95 indirect and induced jobs.
Help fill vacant pupil places at Oak Hill Primary School improving school income.
Increase patronage of other local services and facilities, such as the Post Office and the Gardeners Arms.
Circa £1m in CIL contributions, of which 25% goes to Alderton Parish Council.

Next Steps
The details shown on this website have been prepared to present to the local community for feedback on the proposals.
Please take the time to complete our feedback form. The deadline for this is 17th June 2024. The details of this website will remain available to view after this time as a point of reference.
Alongside this we have also been engaging with Tewkesbury Borough Council as the local planning authority and Gloucestershire County Council as the local highway authority.
Your feedback will be presented to Tewkesbury Borough Council for integration alongside input from Council officers and statutory consultees at the reserved matters application stage.
You will have a further opportunity to comment on the Reserved Matters application directly to Tewkesbury Borough Council once submitted, which will include full details and technical reports.
Contact Us
If you should have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the project team as below.
1. Fill in an online feedback form
2. Email queries to: jonathan.coombs@pegasusgroup.co.uk
3. Or call on 01454 625 945
If you know of an interested party who is unable to access the internet please contact us to arrange for a paper version of the website to be issued.